Trademark Registration
How Online Trademark Registration Works?
We do a thorough check in Trademark directory before applying.
Consult on classes that are applicable as per your services.
You will be notified regularly about status till registration.
What is a Trademark?
A trademark is a differentiating mark consists of a combination of words, symbols, or colors used to represent goods and services. It is popularly known as trade identifiers. Forex, Xerox is a trademark for photocopying machines & Apple is a trademark for Apple computers.
How to Identify a Trademark and Registered Mark?
A trademark is a differentiating mark consists of a combination of words, symbols, or colors used to represent goods and services. It is popularly known as trade identifiers. Forex, Xerox is a trademark for photocopying machines & Apple is a trademark for Apple computers.
Who can obtain a trademark?
Individual, Joint Owners, LLP, Trust or Society, Proprietorship Firm, Partnership Firm.
Documents required for LLP Registration
Trademark Registration Process
Step 1
Trademark Search Online
Step 2
Filing of Trademark Application Form
Step 3
Issue of Examination Report
Step 4
Advertisement in Trademark Journal
Step 5
Trademark Registration
Documents Required For Trademark Registration
Brand/Logo/Slogan Name
Aadhar Card of Proprietor
Bank Details
Power of Attorney
Goods & Services Description
Private Limited
Brand/Logo/Slogan Name
Aadhar Card of 1 Director
Bank Details of 1 Director
Incorporation Certificate
Goods & Services Description
Brand/Logo/Slogan Name
Aadhar Card of Partners
Bank Details of Partners
Partner KYC
Goods & Services Description
Here Are Some of Our Services
A trademark is a differentiating mark consists of a combination of words, symbols, or colors used to represent goods and services.
It involves preparing source documents for all transactions, operations, and other events of a business
which is a consolidating statute related to food safety and regulation in India.
ISO is an international standard-setting body composed of representatives from various national standards
legal structure is most commonly used for the incorporation of a company
One Person Company (OPC) is functionally a company with only one shareholder as its member.
A Private Limited Company in India lies somewhere between a partnership firm and a widely owned public company.
Proprietorship is recognized by other registrations, such as a service or sales tax registration.
GAM Private Limited is a Certifying Authority licensed by Controller of Certifying Authorities and caters to all kinds of subscribers who use Digital Certificates for MCA (ROC), GST, Income Tax, Tenders etc.